Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hospice Banquet

Tonight was the annual Hospice Banquet and, as our Funeral Home is a corporate sponsor, we had a table to fill! We all had a really nice time but as usual, in our business, our table fails to be full due to unexpected issues. One of my employees, Jimmy, got ill and had to leave early today so he and his wife were not able to be there. Then, Ken and Florence of course couldn't come due to his mother-in-law's serious illness. She is still on a ventilator and things are not looking very promising for her. I remain prayerful for them all and ask that you remember them, too.
I love this picture of Harold and Gwen taken tonight while sharing a laugh at something the speaker said. I took all these pictures with my i-phone and they turned out pretty good (for a phone).

Of course, there was a plea for donations and a basket on each table with contribution envelopes at the ready. Hospice performs such a needed and valuable service not only in our small community, but in many just like it scattered all over the U.S. I heard many stories tonight from the nurses, a volunteer and even a family member whom Hospice had served. We laughed and we cried, enjoyed a good meal and were reminded once again how fragile life is and how much we all need to help each other. I am fortunate to live in a community where such an organization is available to help in a time of need.

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