Friday, December 19, 2008

Valentino's in Nashville

What a GREAT evening I had tonight! I guess I should back way up and let you all know I did the "daughterly thing" and took my Mother to Wal-Mart today even though I stayed in the car and read a book while she shopped. Good thinking on my part if you ask me. That parking lot was incredible so I can only imagine how crowded it must have been inside! The older my Mother gets, the more she seems to thrive on that crap and the more I find I cannot tolerate it at all.

Finally got home and bathed and dressed for a night out in Nashville. I find I cannot even dress myself without great problems and even tore up two pair of pantyhose trying to get them on. It will get easier with time, I suppose. What a treat, especially after being cooped up for so long with this back thing. Went to Valentino's for dinner and I had not been there before. We actually passed it on the way to my Nashville neurosurgeon's office and looked it up on the computer before making the investment of time and money to go. Wow, it was certainly worth it. Champagne, grouper and bananas foster at the table. Come to find out, our server had worked at Arthur's for 23 years up until they closed a few years ago. If you didn't have the opportunity to go there, they were in the old Union Station and it was a grand place.

So now I have had my Christmas dinner and am ready to get to bed and pass out (literally and figuratively). The weather was perfect, as was the company and the meal!

If you ever get to Nashville, try it. And by the way, ask for Dino.....he's the best!

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