They say that you will hold your daughter in your arms upon her birth and she will be the one holding your hand when you leave this world (if you are very lucky). I think by that the old saying refers to the fact that daughters love us in a way that is totally different than anyone else could.
I am straying from my continuing travelogue to share my precious daughter's 32
nd birthday with you and to pay a special tribute to her.

She was born on a sultry day in May 1977 to a nuclear family consisting of a Dad, Mom and a 3 year old brother. Her brother was as spoiled as a precious boy could be and did not much appreciate relinquishing his throne to a baby.
April turned out to be the calmest, quietest easiest baby imaginable. As she grew, her demeanor never changed.

I don't recall her ever going through an awkward stage, even as a
pre-teen, of appearing gawky or even chubby. She has always been so beautiful to me. I could use many words to describe her; among them I could note her never-ending smile, her helpfulness to others, unselfishness, the fact that she is a devout Christian mother and wife, a loving and gentle daughter.

She has endured many struggles in her own life and managed to rise above them all with grace and dignity. I am so proud of her accomplishments. She stands up for what she believes and will not back down just because someone else thinks she should.

She honors and respects her grandmother and her parents, including her in-laws. I feel most times like she is the person I would like to be most like. Isn't that funny.....instead of her following my example, I want to be more like her.

She does not speak harshly of others and I 'm not sure she even thinks it. She would give away her last dollar as long as it didn't detract from her family.

April brings great joy to my life. I long to be able to live nearer to her. Work and job opportunities prevent that now. I know I am more help to her here than I could be if I lived closer. I pray never to be a burden to her, even in my declining years.

My mother, I am blessed to say was always my confidante, my best friend. As she is aging and we are "reversing roles" (I am becoming HER caretaker) April and I are becoming more like best friends and confidantes. That notable song by Elton John "The Circle of Life" just keeps running through my head as I write this. The biggest difference is that I think she LEARNED from MY mistakes, she really did. And she got it right!

Happy 32
nd Birthday, my precious baby girl!
That was written so beautifully Polly! She has a wonderful mother!
You two look like sisters instead of mother and daughter!
Not that she looks older -- oh, you know what I mean!
bluh... Mooshyness blows...
glad there's only one girl bday a year. yuck.
Happy Birthday April! This tribute to your daughter made my heart smile! I read it with a big ole grin on my face!
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